
Mango Mobile Agency has its origins in engineering: continually keeping up with new technologies and new programming languages ​​on the market allows us to create high quality apps.

Jira logo

Within our Agile process, our team uses Jira, the most famous software aimed at agile software projects, whether they are Scrum or Kanban. Its high customization allows us to best adapt it to the needs of each project.

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slack logo

With Slack we don’t just make Project Management activities, but thanks to its “channel” quality we can manage conversations with our team, suppliers and customers. Separating the channels we are able to have a clear trace of the flow of information.

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Figma Logo

The most loved tool among designers around the world for its characteristic of being totally available and shareable online, Figma is one of the available programs for the corporate design office.

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Kotlin logo

The most advanced programming language available on Android: expressive, concise, secure and powerful. We also use Kotlin to develop CLI or GUI applications that need to be cross-platform.

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Swift logo

A solid, intuitive, fast and efficient language that every new iOS project in Mango cannot absolutely ignore.

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Reactnative logo

If the project requires it, we adopt cross-platform technologies such as React Native, which reduce development times while maintaining a native rendering of the graphical interface. The use of TypeScript guarantees us not to lose quality compared to the languages ​​of the individual platforms.

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React logo

The component declarative model that React makes available for creating web interfaces has proved to be the simplest to use among those tested, and the ecosystem of libraries is so rich that we do not miss anything.

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Jenkins logo

To do Continuos Development and Continuos Integration we use the Jenkins platform, an Open Source software, that offers high flexibility to produce builds and run tests. Jenkins pipelines allow us to configure accurately each individual project for a fast and secure release.

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work with us

Do you want to work with the latest software architectures in the industry? Do you want to enhance your experience with the most innovative technologies? Become part of the Mango Team bringing all your zest and passion: with this spirit we make the development of successful projects unique.

Wanna be a Mango?
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Send us the best copy of your CV taking care to point out your skills, experiences, and also what motivates, inspires and excites you!

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