Biondi Autotrasporti
Biondi Autotrasporti

Biondi Autotrasporti

Cesena (FC)

BIONDI AUTOTRASPORTI is a company that deals with the transport of goods throughout Italy; among its customers there are primary logistics and distribution companies, but also production and transformation companies, for which Biondi Autotrasporti carries out, from north to south Italy, various primary relationships. Among these, it is worth mentioning Penny Market Italia, SGM Distribuzione, Metro, DHL, Orogel.

what we have done

Biondi Autotrasporti B2B App, created by Mango Mobile Agency, is currently intended for internal company use in order to allow all company network drivers to receive real-time travel information on their smartphone, with details relating to each stop involved in the trip.


The Push notifications integrated system warns drivers about updates and news related to their work itinerary, allowing to optimize operating time.

”Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris sit amet diam id felis scelerisque malesuada in interdum libero. Vivamus non ex quis quam fermentum ullamcorper eget vitae nisl. Phasellus venenatis orci eget lorem placerat ultrices. Proin libero risus, sodales id nisl elementum, dapibus auctor enim. Ut porta in neque in iaculis.”

Simone Marin

Teatro Duse Administrator